

Monday, March 19, 2012

FREE Tutorial: Twisted Bracelet and Earrings

·         Jumpring, gold-plated, 8mm fancy round(26)
·         Jumpring, gold-plated, 7mm round(52)
·         Jumpring, gold-plated, 6mm fancy round(22)
·         Mother-of-pearl (dyed), brown, 20mm donut(5)
·         Swarovski® crystal, topaz, 4mm(10)
·         Clasp, gold-plated brass, 18.9x11.6mm(1)
·         Eyepin, gold-plated, 2-inches long(5)


·         Chain Nose Pliers
·         Flat Nose Pliers
·         Round Nose Pliers
·         Wire Cutters
·         Ruler
·         Jumpring tool opener and closer

1). Make a chain 3-3-3-3-3. This means that 3 rings are connected to three more, and three more, and so on. You have to make sure that there is one large twisted ring in the middle of every 3 rings. (Photo1)
2). The picture is how your 3-3-3-3-3 chain should look like. You need to make four more of these 3-3-3-3-3 chains.  (Photo2)
3). Take one eyepin and put only ONE side of the shell bead on. Then, put one small Swarovski crystal on, followed by 2 small twisted rings, and another Swarovski crystal. Finally, put on the other side of the shell bead on and make a simple loop.  You have to make 2 more of these connectors. (Photo3)
4). Take one small twisted open ring. Put one side the chain on it. On the other side of the twisted ring, connect it to one of the connectors. Repeat this step until your bracelet looks like the picture below. (Photo4)
5). Add a lobster claw clasp with a headpin dangle and jump ring closure or a toggle – it’s
 your choice. (Photo5) 
6). For the earrings, make two chains 3-3-3. Instead of using an eyepin for the connector, use a headpin. Connect the earring together using one small twisted ring. Make the other earring. It should look like the picture. (Photo6) 

I hope you enjoyed it!

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