

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 13. Build a Platform for Your Shop.

At the time of social media, the best platform for a business is… social media. Why? Simply because it  is difficult to find a person who does not have facebook or twitter account. On top of that, it is usually free to use, which is always a plus.

So, what “social media” options do we have?


I love facebook. I have over 1500 friends and almost a thousand fans on my business page. It is easy for me to post an image of the new jewelry I’m working on there. I also love to post there a link or an article I found interesting, I think this is why my friends are coming there – they also found it interesting.


Twitter gives you almost the same capabilities as facebook or any other platform. The main specific is the size of a message – max size of a twit is 140 characters. However, it also allows to add images, which makes it really powerful. I think of a Twitter service as a news feed. Anyone can read my tweets, they do not have to become my fans or friends, but they can always be the first to know about my latest project.


Well, you are reading it, it means I have a blog and a reader J

Based on the plan, I’m going to spend more time on each of those social media channels. I’m really interested to know how effective each media platform is for my particular business. I cannot be sure at this time though, that I will be able to analyze it in details, but I’ll try my best.

Blogging takes quite a lot of time for me, much more than any other social activity. Each article requires a lot of thinking and preparation. But it also gives me in return a chance to really think about the problem, to research it. There is an old Chinese saying about teacher who refused to demonstrate his skills, instead he always wanted to share. He said “If I show it to you it becomes an exhibition. If I share it with you, you will not only retain it forever, but I, too, will improve”. I think this is what social media is about – about sharing. Let’s share!

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