

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 4. How to Name Your Business

When I just started to work on this marketing program, my husband asked me if I want to change the name of the shop. I saw something about business name in the program topics and answered that I will think about it on Day 4. And today is Day 4.

I read instructions and started to think about my designs and art, how to describe it? How my buyers may feel when they wear beaded bracelet or a chain maille necklace I made?

It is difficult. I was jumping from one idea to another, from one name to another and… start questioning if I have to change the current name at all. I was almost ready to give up.
Finally, instead of trying to get into my client’s shoes, I started to think how do I feel wearing my favorite pearl necklace?

Pink Pearls and Gold Crochet Necklace - Treasures of the Sea


I feel warm. I feel beautiful. I love to feel its weight on my neck. I feel confident wearing it because this is so me!

Yes! This is so me! Finally I realized that one particular phrase always makes me happy. I love when someone trying my jewelry saying “Oh, this is so me!”

So the new shop name emerged: So Me Jewelry. And my slogan is going to be “Unique. Beautiful. Confident.”

I like it. I’m changing my shop name today.



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